Publications and Articles
Hearing Voices 2020
“Kapu Aloha at Mauna a Wākea”
Article by Karissa Steele (p. 42-43)
“For the sake of our future generations, we stand for responsible decision making to respect all agencies, including that of the ‘Āina (land). In the spirit of Kapu Aloha (sacred love), we show our kuleana (responsibility) by malama i ka ‘Āina (caring for the land) and holding space for diverse dialogue. Together, we must cease the sacrifice of the sacred for the sake of “progress”. Let us create these spaces of compassion to foster a new way of living in harmony with one another.”
Link for further reading:
Global Wellness Institute
Article by The Mindful Tourist
“From the latest Research done by Global Wellness Institute, connection time nature ranks number 1 on the Top 5 Wellness Expectations on Next Trip, post pandemic. From a commercial perspective, this means there will be a rising demand for nature connectedness activities. If your wellness strategies include sleep, nutrition, fitness, then you need nature connectedness to complete the puzzle of wholistic well-being.
Shinrin Yoku, also known as Forest Bathing, brings us back to nature. It takes us out of our busy lives and heals us – reconnecting us with our environments and ourselves.
Shinrin-yoku, literally Forest Bathing, was developed in Japan in the 1980s and has become a cornerstone of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine. Shinrin-yoku Forest Therapy, the medicine of simply being in the forest and taking in the forest atmosphere.
To bathe in the forest or nature means to bask in it. Your five senses are open to receive nature. You smell the flowers and the natural essential oil from tree barks, you taste the fruits or the air, you see the tall trees and thousand shades of green, you hear the sounds of birds and nature around you, you feel the forest with your palms and sole of the feet, deep within your soul.”
Link to learn about Shinrin Yoku Training:
Kalm with Kava
Article by Kalm with Kava
“Many legends tell of the discovery and history of kava in Hawaii and how it came to be called ‘awa. One attributes the discovery of kava to a Hawaiian Chief and adventurous, sea explorer, Hawaii – Loa. Another, told in a famous chant, links the discovery of ‘awa to Hawaiian Gods. And another even postulates that birds brought ‘awa to the islands of Hawaii.”