About Us


Decolonial and Emergent

Here at Rewilding Wellness, we’re not only guiding others to rewild themselves through therapeutic means, we are also rewilding ‘therapy’ itself. We are decolonizing health by seeking decentralized and accessible practices for everyone, using tools we can find outdoors or in our homes to promote mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. We are shifting paradigms to value lived experience, cultural practices, and holistic methodologies over Western conceptions of professionalism and expensive insurance plans. We have a nontraditional, but ancient perspective on health and wellness which manifests in our unique services.



Because we are dedicated to making health accessible for all, nature surrounds us everyday. From our backyards to local parks, nature is inviting us to reconnect, rewild, and experience her healing benefits. Here at Rewilding Wellness, we believe that human wellbeing is directly and intimately connected to the wellbeing of our environment, and vice versa. By reconnecting to nature we experience positive benefits and give back in return.



All of our services are rooted in Indigenous knowledges. Our resident guide and Ecopsychologist shares her Hawaiian and Swedish cultural practices so we may learn from these ancient traditions on how to connect to the land and our own Indigeneity.


Our Approach

  • Our Philosophy

    As a TMT certified Shinrin Yoku Guide, my philosophy is guided by the following principles: Respect, Openness, Authenticity, Reconnection and Compassion. In these, I share and expand the TMT Code of Ethics principles of respect, competence, responsibility and integrity. They allow for the expression of the core values I wish to promote: individuality, love, interconnectedness, dedication, empathy, harmony, and environmental/ecological justice.

  • Our Vision

    The vision of Rewilding Wellness is guided by our commitment to providing nurturing experiences to foster connectedness, healing, and wellness based in emergent and Indigenous knowledge for both local and virtual communities.

  • Our Mission

    The mission of Rewilding Wellness is to provide therapeutic ways in which clients can connect to their environment, their bodies, their truth, their journey, and others to promote mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness by means of Shinrin Yoku, Ancient Hawaiian practices, creative expression, ceremony, breath work, sound healing and movement. We hope to share these decolonial therapeutic pathways towards self-empowerment, authenticity, respect, interconnection, environmental conservancy, nature connectedness, and compassion for Earth and each other.

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